finding roommates online

5 Tips for Finding a Roommate Online

Last Updated on 02/10/2025 by Rany Burstein

Whether you are using Diggz or any other service to find your next roommate, there are a few universal guidelines that will help you make the most out of your roommate search experience. While they might seem trivial, following our tips below will significantly boost your online roommate search. Based on our data, we see a wide difference in number of “Likes” and “Matches” between those who follow these practices and those who don’t.

Stand out

Many people don’t enjoy or struggle with writing about themselves. When looking for someone to live with, just as on dating sites (and maybe even more), the ‘about me’ section plays a critical role. During the roommate seach, users usually review and evaluate dozens if not more prospective roommates. Aside from the basics like budget, move in date, and location, they also evaluate fit, and whether or not they have things in common. Sharing just a few things about yourself such as work, where you grew up, your hobbies, or your favorite TV shows can shed light on whether you will be a good fit, and help you differentiate yourself from others. So let your personality shine, open up and share a little about yourself so others can pick you out of the crowd.

Keep your information current

Once posting your listing, others will come across your profile and engage with you if there’s an interest. Many sites, including Diggz, offer users filters to refine the search results. By keeping your listing accurate and up to date, you ensure that you can be found by others. An example of information that can go stale is the move in date. If your moving date is flexible or your search end up taking longer than expected, make sure it is kept updated as time goes by to keep you relevant in the eyes of others. Also, if your budget, areas of interest or any other circumstances have changed from the time you started your search, it would be wise to update it.

Be responsive

When looking for a roommate, each person could have a different moving horizon as well as a different sense of urgency. Some start their search months in advance, while others may have a week or two to scramble for a new roommate or a new place to live. For the latter, the process can be a lot more stressful and immediate responses and feedback are vital to them. In addition, the roommate search process entails considering multiple options at once, and sometimes the more deciding factor on who snags that cool room, or pairs up with that awesome person boils down to who responded or acted quickly. First come first serve is the common approach, especially for those renting out a room with a time crunch. Thus, we suggest as rule of thumb that if you are in the roommate searching game, make an effort to be responsive as possible and answer your messages frequently and promptly.

No surprises

While no one expects you to put all your personal information on your bio, we do suggest to disclose any potential deal breakers upfront before you get any potential roommates’ hopes up. If you have a pet, consider that a potential roommate might be allergic, or that the building doesn’t allow pets. It’s also good practice to disclose the breed and size of your pet, as it sometimes may be still allowed under a building’s rules. If you are a smoker, or an occasional 4:20 user, make sure your potential new roommate is aware and is OK with it before you get too far ahead. Another landmine that happens often is the significant other / live-in boyfriend or girlfriend. No one appreciates when living with one person turns into living with two people without notice. If you are a couple, this should be the first thing to mention, and if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend that will stay over a significant amount of the time, then it’s good to get on the same page early.

Meet up

With the comfort of searching for roommates on your phone or laptop, it’s easy to sometimes forget the reason you have signed up in the first place, which is to find someone new to live with. It’s great to build rapport, establish common ground and filter out those that don’t fit all online, but when it comes down to it you will have to meet eventually to seal the deal (or not). When searching for a new roommate, you should be prepared to venture out around the city to meet with prospective roommates, or open your house to frequent strangers. It’s all part of the process. Keep in mind that the effort you put into it will pay off in the form of a harmonious living environment and possibly a new friend. Make yourself available during the process, put on hold for a while your Sunday brunch plans, or your after work activities. And most importantly, don’t be flaky and cancel on others.

BONUS: Boosting your profile on Diggz

On top of the tips we provided above which can be applied on any roommate search platform, we offer a few more ways to get noticed and attract the roommates you want on Diggz. First, get your profile verified with Facebook (If you have signed up to Diggz with Facebook, you can skip this step). Verified users get more looks and evoke more trust. Second, add your school, hometown or country which will allow others that share the same to find you easily. It’s always more comfortable striking a conversation and building rapport with someone that you have something substantial in common with. And last, add references from you circle of family, friends and colleagues. This gives an additional perspective on how you are as roommate and a person. It’s also very useful if you don’t like or not sure what to write about yourself (or just feeling lazy). And as an added bonus, adding references will immediately boost your place on our search results.

If you found any of these tips useful and would like to make changes to your Diggz profile , please log in and visit the ‘Edit Profile’ page